Author Archives: Emily

New work at Springville !

11 Sep
by Emily, posted in Uncategorized   |  1 Comments

It’s been a dream of mine to have a show at the Springville Museum of Art. They have been such a foundation for the art community in Utah for ever. The building is beautiful and the standard of art there is always breath taking. So to have so much of my work hang on the walls there is really exciting.  Here are some of my foundation pieces of the show and the ideas that formed the art.


doctrine of salvation
– For me this piece starts at the top with the woman falling, it is in a sense a spiritual fall. As she goes through the stages of falling the light with in her  leaves her more and more until she hits rock bottom, her darkest point. The woman’s light or virtue is then returned to her even more fully as she goes to her knees to seeking Christ.  We all experience this cycle more times then we would like and yet it is the only way to true salvation and transformation in this life.
fallen angel
– I am depicting Eve here in one of my most favorite yoga poses, fallen angel.  When I do this pose (or attempt it) in class I often think of Eve and the many comparisons that can be drawn between the pose and Eve. What was required of Eve and how she has been viewed through out the history of humanity can be summed up completely in this one posture.  Although Eve did fall, her underlying attributes and what it takes to get into this pose is an incredible amount of physical strength and inner foundation to be able to float your feet up through the strength of your upper body and not actually fall but balance inverted. Mentally, there is a good deal of faith and trust involved in trusting yourself & your body to hold.  At  first glance of this pose and the first hearing of Eve’s story, it becomes easy to assume a fall or weakness physically & spiritually in both. It is my intent as the viewer looks closer to her body position and maybe has a deeper understanding of Eve, they see in reality the incredible amount of strength and transformation involved in both the posture and Eve as a strong woman of God.

Spring Salon

15 May
by Emily, posted in Uncategorized   |  Comments Off on Spring Salon

I was so excited to get into the Salon again this year. One of my long term goals as an artist.  This is the piece accepted it is definitely on the small side and one of the first pieces I tried something new with.  After the piece was finished I pored a layer of epoxy or resin

on top of the piece.  I feel like this serves 2 purposes, one it gives my pieces more a sense of permanency and two it really protects the piece, eliminates the need for glass and I feel like especially in this one adds another layer of dimension or interest. Okay that was 3 or 4, but you get the point.  I am excited to continue experimenting with resin and were it might take my work.


07 Jan
by Emily, posted in commissions   |  Comments Off on commission


20 Nov
by Emily, posted in Uncategorized   |  Comments Off on Mary

Granite School District 25 years

19 Sep
by Emily, posted in commissions   |  Comments Off on Granite School District 25 years

helping every child succeed


on the easel

26 Aug
by Emily, posted in new work, oil paintings   |  1 Comments


faded stewardship

I had so much fun doing this painting. I pulled out some old school painting techniques, painting on a grid & using a very muted pallet. This is on a 12×12 cradled panel. I am itching to do another.

pieces of me

This image was one I took from an old paper cut. I painted it in oil & used some paper as  mosaic texture on the Mothers shirt. It was fun to play around with painting the paper into the piece & any symbolism that could be drawn from it’s use. I am anxious to do larger scenes using this type of technique.

I keep getting questions about tracing lately.  Do I trace? What are my thoughts on tracing. This is what I think, you will rarely find an artist that doesn’t use some form of tracing in their process. Whether it’s oil transfers or what not. The reality is it can be a huge time savor in producing work. However if you have not learned to draw the human figure formally I don’t think tracing will help you in the long run.  I continually draw from life & photos in a sketch book to keep up on my life drawing skills.  When working mostly on a conceptual piece I do trace if it will save me a considerable amount of time but almost always I have to adjust & move figures, add to or take away.  I always have a human figure in front of me in some form to reference. From life is always best but not always possible. But having the foundational drawing techniques will carry you through your creative process. If that makes any sense, total art nerd talk right there.


color study

20 Aug
by Emily, posted in oil paintings   |  1 Comments

I have really been loving painting landscapes this summer.  There is something about oil paint I just can’t shake.  Next up some desert scapes & Joshua trees.


16 May
by Emily, posted in family   |  1 Comments

Lately I have been thinking about the power & influence of a mother. It is so hard to remember as a mom when the days bleed into one another, tiredness always seems to prevail, mundane tasks never are finished, and you seem to consistently be chasing that feeling of accomplishment or satisfaction in your work. Mothering is never ending. I have to remind myself of that daily & continue to love, be joyful & tell myself this is in fact the most important work there is.

My Grandma recently passed away & for Mother’s day my Mom wanted us to write what we admired or how we felt about Grandma. Here is my letter. I hope my kids will someday read it & that it will help them to understand fully the importance of a Mother.

TO Mom:

The things I admired about Grandma.  Although I don’t have many one on one memories with her that doesn’t mean she didn’t have an impact on my life or make a strong impression with me.  I loved to observe her & loved even more to be around her. There are multiple characteristics that endeared her to me as an individual.  I know her life wasn’t easy she fought many battles but she did it with faith, her testimony was never far from her heart…. that was always apparent.  She increased her knowledge of the gospel & always sought for truth to strengthen her faith & ease her fears.
We all have that inherent thirst for knowledge & truth. She was able to recognize truth & find comfort because the spirit of God waxed strong within her. Grandma’s passion was the mountains, the ranch…. she felt the most at home there. Her reverence for God’s creations stirred a longing in her for a remembered Heavenly Father. When we are close to God’s works I think we sense our life before with Him & His presence is felt stronger in our lives for that moment. No other peace can be as fulfilling then the felt love of Christ.  I think Grandma felt this same peace when she often visited the Temple.  Temples were created on this Earth for God to be able to visit earth without being overwhelmed with too much sorrow or virtue taken from Him.  God weeps for the bad decisions His children make & I know Grandma felt that same sorrow for those that couldn’t find their way.  She always had a special place for them in her heart & strived to help them in every way she could.  That service & concerned heart was a gift that endeared her to many. Humor, she knew this life was meant for us to have joy.  Humor & joy were never too far from her countenance. Grandma had a style all her own, bright lip stick, silver cuffs & pixie cuts.  She was eclectic, surrounded her self with things she loved & didn’t care what others thought. Although she recognized the power of environment- inside & out she never obsessed or held material wealth with much importance.
She found peace in Christ & I hope she has even more now, as more pieces of the puzzle fall into place for her in the spirit world.  Her form has changed but I know she is still close. Mom you were blessed with a great Mother as we, all of your children have been as well. We think of & honor both of you today, grateful for the blessing of a loving Mother. Which next to the atonement, could be the most precious blessing in this mortal life.

Much love,

as of late

02 May
by Emily, posted in shows   |  Comments Off on as of late

I got into the renowned spring salon at the Springville Museum of Art.  I was super excited to be included with such outstanding artists.  Head on down for an always spectacular show of some of Utah’s best.  It is up from May to July. Find out more HERE

This is the piece that got in,

under any event, commitment

Also I won an editors pick in an art challenge on the site Minted.  Look for my print in the art prints section.  Should be going up for sale in the next few days…


commission catch-up

30 Apr
by Emily, posted in commissions   |  Comments Off on commission catch-up

blessing day

what is bound on earth is bound in heaven

This commission really touched me. Friends of this young family commissioned me to do this for his wife & 2 young daughters. He lost his long battle with cancer this past fall, my heart aches for his beautiful wife & daughters. I have only heard amazing things about this father & his family.

This was a Christmas commission someone was giving to a dear friend. It’s good to recognize the angels in our lives.


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